5 Publications

A full list is available on academia.edu

Dossier: Genocide Research – Some Observations and Suggestions. Genocide Studies and Prevention 15, 3 (2021), https://doi.org/10.5038/1911-9933.15.3.1872

Book Review Essay: Perpetrator Research. Genocide Studies and Prevention 15, 3 (2021), https://doi.org/10.5038/1911-9933.15.3.1868

Appropriations of Social Psychological Studies in Genocide Research Exemplified by References to Solomon E. Asch’s Study of Independence and Conformity. Journal of Genocide Research (2021). DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2021.1987039.

With Marc Buggeln, Elissa Mailänder, and Veronika Springmann. Weit mehr als die Gewalt selbst. Von der Notwendigkeit komplexer Definitionen. WerkstattGeschichte 83, 1 (2021), 85-101

Action Action Action. Journal of Perpetrator Research 3, 1 (2020), 188-195.